  • 招聘类别:
  • 社会招聘
  • 工作性质:
  • 全职
  • 工作地点:
  • 广东省-深圳市,北京市,上海市


• 总结市场情况,负责触控类产品布局,掌握竞争格局、细分市场需求和行业变化
• 推动流程以促使收入利润最大化
• 坚持独特的价值主张,使我们的产品与众不同
• 服务消费类大客户并和现场销售团队对接并挖掘商机
• 制定并执行产品价格策略
• 分析竞争格局并制定战略以弥补差距
• 计划、管理和执行整个产品生命周期中的所有营销活动,从产品定义到市场推广
• 负责培养团队的核心竞争力和专业技能,通过有效的沟通指导和带领团队完成目标;整合支持职能部门和其他BU的各种资源。
• Generate market intelligence materials for touch, stay on top of competitive landscapes, segment requirements and industry changes
• Drive design pipeline to grow revenue and profit
• Develop compelling value proposition that differentiates our products from the crowd
• Directly engaging with top tier customers and field sales team to identify opportunities
• Formulate and execute go-to-market and price strategies
• Analyze competitive landscape and build strategies to address gaps
• Plan, manage and execute all marketing activities throughout a product life cycle from definition to market launch to post- market launch
• Responsible for developing team’s core competency and professional skills, coach and lead them to accomplish the target through effective communication; Integrate various resources from the supporting function department and other BUs.


• 8年以上相关经验
• 5 年以上产品规划及营销经验,负责触控传感类产品优先考虑
• 较强的口头和书面沟通能力
• 做创新型业务,是富有创造力的思想家
• 强大的分析和解决问题的能力
• 有紧迫感,以结果和行动为导向,果敢
• 团队合作并与各级人员有效协作
• 主动性强,独立工作,推动团队取得成果
• 有跨国团队工作的经验
• 8+ years relevant experience
• 5+ years’experience in directing and leading sales and marketing team of international companies or brands.
• Strong verbal and written communication skills
• Track record of creating new business, a creative thinker
• Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
• Operate with a sense of urgency. Result and action oriented, decisive
• Work in teams and collaborate effectively with people at all levels
• Take initiatives, work independently, and drive the team for results
• Experience on working in multinational environment

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